My address:

My address:
Jillian Tappendorf
c/o Ted Skiles
P.O. Box 9
Lo Tung, Taiwan 265

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Update

Today, the barber came to the orphanage and Elijah got a hair cut! :) It's his second one already. He looks like a little boy now. He is becoming really active and getting in to EVERYTHING! He's the only "big kid" now that Eugene and Timothy both left. His favorite toys are mirrors to smile at himself, kleenexes, and plastic bags. Obviously the last two not the best things for him to be getting into.

David had gotten some mosquito bites on his arm and leg and had a somewhat allergic reaction to them, but we've been putting medicine on them and they look much better. He is still the sweetest baby we have, hardly crying and almost always has the cutest smile for you.

Cade is still small and behind in his development. Even though he is almost seven months, he looks and acts more like a 4/5 month old. But we are trying to help him learn to sit up by himself and are hoping he will try to start crawling/moving around soon. When we take walks he is everyone's favorite. All the people we pass want to oooh and aaahh over him! And he definitely deserves it!

Kwen is becoming sweeter every day. God is really giving me more love for him. He has finally started to calm down and take his bottles more frequently without putting up a huge fight. He is smiling and giggling and his eyes could capture anyone's heart.

Caleb has moved in to my favorite spot. :) He is so precious. He hasn't been sleeping very well, so nap times aren't the most fun. But sometimes when he is just laying by himself he breaks out in the biggest smiles for no apparent reason. It's so funny. You can also catch him staring at you from across the room.

Logan is getting to be a chunker! He hasn't quite stretched out yet and continues to be our prized eater! He also smiles the most out of the little ones and has the cutest dimple on his left cheek. You'd think he was a grown man by the size of the sounds that come out of him. :)

Miss Ava continues to be the special girl of the group. She just turned two months yesterday and has begun to smile! We increased her feeding amount because she has been really fussy, but it hasn't seemed to help yet.

They are all doing great and appreciate your prayers!


  1. So, let me know what specific prayer requests you want me to be focusing on! Love,

  2. Oh, I just meant thank you for everyone who has been praying for them already. But for specifics, that their papers would go through quickly so that they can go home to their families as soon as possible, for their future walk with Christ, and that they would be healthy and happy.
